Active areas


Sunspots and active regions

The following regions with sunspots can be now observed on the Sun's surface
Group numberSunspots Location on the SunThe number of spots in the groupThe classification by the Zurich's modified systemArea (millions of shares of the solar hemisphere)Group length (in degrees)Carrington Longitude (in degrees)Group's magnet type
№ 1828N16 E5706cao0060 11089beta
№ 1827S18 E4407dao0160 09098beta-gamma
№ 1825N16 W4012dao0080 08183beta
№ 1824S12 W5303cao0050 06196beta
№ 1823S08 E0305cso0120 06139beta
№ 1820S12 W3410dai0060 05177beta-gamma
№ 1818S05 W7602hax0210 02218alpha

H-alpha plages without spots

The following H-alpha plages without spots can be currently observed on the Sun's surface
Area numberCoordinatesCarrington Longitude (in degrees)
№ 1826N13 W13157
№ 1822S11 W14158
№ 1819S16 W88232