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Sunspots and active regions on Dec 18, 2021

Active areas


Sunspots and active regions

The following regions with sunspots can be now observed on the Sun's surface
Group numberSunspots Location on the SunThe number of spots in the groupThe classification by the Zurich's modified systemArea (millions of shares of the solar hemisphere)Group length (in degrees)Carrington Longitude (in degrees)Group's magnet type
№ 2911N19 E5404cao0080 05273beta
№ 2910N14 W2805cro0030 04355beta
№ 2909S21 E4206dso0210 07285beta
№ 2908S20 E3018dki0270 09297beta-gamma
№ 2907S19 E1219dhi0280 10315beta-gamma
№ 2906S29 W1607cso0050 09343beta

H-alpha plages without spots

The following H-alpha plages without spots can be currently observed on the Sun's surface
Area numberCoordinatesCarrington Longitude (in degrees)
№ 2905S12 W25352