Magnetic storms on in June 2024

Geomagnetic activity per month

Click column of day to view detailed information.
Geomagnetic storms in June 2024
Region - UTC+0:00
  • geomagnetic calm
  • geomagnetic disturbances
  • geomagnetic storm
  • G1 - minor storm
  • G2 - moderate storm
  • G3 - strong storm
  • G4 - severe storm
  • G5 - extreme storm
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List of magnetic storms in June 2024

Region — UTC+0:00

Days with magnetic storms — 3

07 June 2024 — Magnetic storm of level G2

15 June 2024 — Magnetic storm of level G1

28 June 2024 — Magnetic storm of level G3

Days with geomagnetic disturbances — 6

03 June 2024 — geomagnetic disturbances

08 June 2024 — geomagnetic disturbances

10 June 2024 — geomagnetic disturbances

11 June 2024 — geomagnetic disturbances

16 June 2024 — geomagnetic disturbances

29 June 2024 — geomagnetic disturbances

Maximum of solar activity in June 2024

Solar radio flux (10.7 cm) = 203

Mean planetary A index = 61

Mean planetary Kp index = 7 (265 nT)

Geomagnetic conditions by day during the month

Use arrows below the graph to navigate and view detailed information.
Geomagnetic conditions
Region - UTC+0:00
  • geomagnetic calm
  • geomagnetic disturbances
  • geomagnetic storm
  • G1 - minor storm
  • G2 - moderate storm
  • G3 - strong storm
  • G4 - severe storm
  • G5 - extreme storm