Magnetic storms on in August 1996

Geomagnetic activity per month

Click column of day to view detailed information.
Geomagnetic storms in August 1996
Region - UTC+0:00
  • geomagnetic calm
  • geomagnetic disturbances
  • geomagnetic storm
  • G1 - minor storm
  • G2 - moderate storm
  • G3 - strong storm
  • G4 - severe storm
  • G5 - extreme storm
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List of magnetic storms in August 1996

Region — UTC+0:00

Days with magnetic storms — 3

23 August 1996 — Magnetic storm of level G1

29 August 1996 — Magnetic storm of level G2

30 August 1996 — Magnetic storm of level G1

Days with geomagnetic disturbances — 8

02 August 1996 — geomagnetic disturbances

14 August 1996 — geomagnetic disturbances

17 August 1996 — geomagnetic disturbances

25 August 1996 — geomagnetic disturbances

26 August 1996 — geomagnetic disturbances

27 August 1996 — geomagnetic disturbances

28 August 1996 — geomagnetic disturbances

31 August 1996 — geomagnetic disturbances

Maximum of solar activity in August 1996

There were no data on August 1996

Geomagnetic conditions by day during the month

Use arrows below the graph to navigate and view detailed information.
Geomagnetic conditions
Region - UTC+0:00
  • geomagnetic calm
  • geomagnetic disturbances
  • geomagnetic storm
  • G1 - minor storm
  • G2 - moderate storm
  • G3 - strong storm
  • G4 - severe storm
  • G5 - extreme storm